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Welcome Nervous Part…

Today is the day, my blog officially launches out into the world. I’m jumping into the flow of the river, where “harmony emerges from integration” (Dr. Dan Siegel’s River Analogy).  I love Dan Siegel’s work…but sometimes his scientific terms, go over my head! So in laymen’s terms (my translation): I’m floating along, this journey of blogging, hoping my mind, and typing fingers, intersect well-enough, for my stories to be understood…and if I’m lucky…inspirational too!

I am so nervous

Dan Siegel’s “River of Integration.”

My nervous part is HOPING I have dotted all the i’s and crossed all of the t’s. It hopes the heart  ♥️  of my blog is what is noticed, even if something was missed in my editing process.

A big shout out to my family and friends who took the time to review, and give me feedback, before this day. Especially to Isaac at Blue Bridge Design, the professional, web design artist, I hired to help me with this project. I could not have done it without you all!!!

My nervous part FEARS criticism. I’m going to remember what Dr. Brene Brown says, in her Manifesto and Dare Greatly.

Internal Family Systems work has reminded me to welcome my human parts (i.e. nervous part). So that I can learn from them, build relationship with them, so that no matter what happens… my parts trust my SELF essence, has their back. What more can we ask, but to show up in life connected, curious, calm, creative, confident, courageous, clear and compassionate! Click here on this link for clarity on this “parts” and “self” language, I keep using.

Thank you one and all for joining me here! All my parts and mySELF thank you, especially my excited part! If you are so inclined, might I ask your own SELF compassion and curiosity, to send love and light to my nervous part. This has been proven to cultivate bravery among us, when we feel connected to; even if we don’t fully agree with one another! If not, no worries, as my nervous part is learning how to stay connected to herSELF and otherSELVES in her corner.


  • Christina

    November 18, 2018 at 4:26 am

    Just a little note for your nervous part I love all your parts! Great job on your blog! Thank you for sharing your heart and writing gift so that the rest of us may be encouraged and brought closer to God during the time times! 💌 Also thank you for all the examples and ideas for how to encourage someone and walk alongside of them as they journey the road of grief. ❤️

    • A Therapist

      November 20, 2018 at 6:37 pm

      You are so kind Christina! Thank you for your time editing, and listening to me, and allowing me to process out loud, so this dream of mine could become a reality! I couldn’t have done it without you friend!